Foster Care and Adoption Service

Foster Care

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Promesa Behavioral Health is focused on healing families in crisis.

Utilizing a Trauma-Informed approach with all our services and efforts, we place emphasis on successful reunification between children/youth and their birth families, relative placements and promoting and providing permanent homes for children/youth.

Permanency is always the underlying goal at Promesa in our day to day approach and outlook. Promesa holds itself highly accountable for all Resource Homes we approve. Our objective is to reduce the number of placement changes for all children in our care. 

Change in placement contributes to an exponential increase in stability issues and causes further trauma to those entrusted in our care.

With ongoing support from highly qualified and dedicated staff, Promesa families will demonstrate an emphasis on providing a welcoming environment for children and youth. Our goal is to embrace them in their care, demonstrate a true devotion to these children/youth while always reevaluating what the child’s/youth’s best interest may be and how they may better meet these interests.

Children, youth and resource families are assigned a social worker. On-call support staff is available after hours. 

All services and supportive opportunities are reviewed to our referral sources and stakeholders by Promesa’s social workers.

All foster parents undertake a basic PRIDE training, as well as continuing education.  The foster parents who are providing Intensive Services Foster Care (ISFC), take an additional level of training along with ongoing continuing education.

We Work With:

Services Provided:

Ages 0-21

Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC)

Pregnant and Parenting Teens and Young Adults


Non-Minor Dependents (AB12)

Dependents of the Court

Probation Youth

Intensive Services Foster Youth (ISFC)

Case Management According to the Individual Service Plan

Weekly Home Visits by Promesa Staff

Referral and Linkage to Clinical Services (Psychotherapy, Substance Use and Psychiatry)

Trauma Informed Training to Caregivers

Multicultural/Multilingual staff

CSEC Prevention and Education

Support Counselor Assignments (ISFC)

Social and Recreational Agency Wide Opportunities

Availability of Adoption Level Psychosocial Home Assessments

Adoption Program

Our Adoptions Program is licensed by the State of California in Fresno, Madera, Tulare, Kern, Kings and Merced Counties. Services include private and domestic adoptions. We provide extensive resources to recruit and train families who are willing and able to adopt children; We are passionate about permanency for all children.

We pride ourselves with being available to our clients and families and supporting them along each step of the adoption process. Families receive the support they need during the entire process to include pre/post adoption ongoing supports.

For more information contact;

(559) 439-5437 Ext. 215

Costs Associated with Adoption

Typically, there is no fee for families interested in adopting a child or sibling group from foster care. Licensed public adoption agencies may require that you pay a fee of no more than $500. This fee may be deferred, reduced, or waived under certain conditions.

You may incur some minimal costs during the process, such as: fingerprinting, medical examinations, court filing, CPR classes, etc. These requirements are usually no more than $100 to $300 in total, and some of these expenses may be reimbursable after the adoption is finalized.

How To Make a Placement

Promesa works collaboratively with county social service agencies, adoptions assistance referrals and probation departments throughout the state. Depending on the individualized needs of the child/youth as well as the unique characteristics of the resource home, Promesa accepts a wide variety of children and youth. Placements are accepted 24-Hours a day, seven days a week. It is as easy as making a phone call.

During regular business hours placements can be made by calling 559-439-5437 and asking for the FFA placement coordinator. After hours or on the weekends placements can be made by calling 559-283-3067. Our knowledgeable and experienced staff work quickly in preparing any necessary intake paperwork and assigning social workers and support staff so services can begin immediately.

We currently receive and accept the State approved rates for all RFA Levels of Care as well as the Intensive Service Foster Care rate.