Recovery Happens!

Promesa Behavioral Health operates an Outpatient Drug Free (ODF) program. This includes outpatient alcohol and/or other drug services and drug Medi-Cal outpatient services. “Outpatient drug free treatment services” means an outpatient service directed at stabilizing and rehabilitating you with substance use disorder diagnoses. Services are offered in two different modalities: outpatient individual and outpatient group. Promesa delivers services designed to initiate, support and enhance recovery. With sensitivity to multilingual and multicultural needs our goal is to assist you on your road to recovery and to promote growth, wellness and abstinence from the use of alcohol or drugs to maintain sobriety.

Specific services directly offered are ASAM level of care screenings, orientation/intakes, assessment, treatment plans, groups and crisis and collateral services as needed, random drug testing, discharge planning and follow up. Any mental health, medical or others services outside the scope of Promesa’s SUD outpatient treatment, will be referred out as needed.  All records are reviewed by our medical director to sign off on medical necessity with all individuals.

Promesa accepts proof of eligibility for Drug MediCal as payment in full for treatment services rendered under the drug MediCal program. Promesa does not charge fees to individuals for access to Drug MediCal Substance Use Services or for admission. Promesa also has contracts with other funding through Fresno County to provide services to youth and adults whom are not eligible for Medi-Cal. Promesa is contracted with Fresno County for an adult rural telehealth program, TOADS-Telehealth Outpatient Alcohol and Drug services. If you are not eligible through these funding sources another option is for you to pay through a sliding scale fee for service.

Population served at Promesa Behavioral Health SUD treatment program; male, female, LGBTQ youth ages 12-17 and adults 18+. Many individuals have probation status or have a case with Department of Social Services. Services are provided at our main administrative office building located at; 7120 N. Marks Ave Suite #110, Fresno Ca 93711. Days of service are Monday through Friday with operation hours of 8:00am-6:00pm. Treatment times very. Treatment times will need to be scheduled ahead of time. If there is a need and its after hours a message can be left at the main phone number (559) 439-5437 and a return call will be made in a timely manner. If its after hours and an emergency, call 911. Frequency of services for group treatment is provided 2 to 5 times a week for 90 minutes. The limits of group size is 2-12 individuals in the group. How many groups you are recommended to attend is determined on your personal individual treatment plan you develop with your addiction counselor.

Promesa offers  this outpatient drug and alcohol treatment where you are your own expert. An atmosphere is made that is encouraging rather than forced, and built on partnership. You have resources and motivation to change within; your addiction counselor  attempts to  evoke this from you. You have right and capability for self-direction. Your autonomy will be respected and your addiction counselor will listen for your strengths, values, aspirations, positive qualities and will assess your readiness for change.

Program Goals

Goal 1: Educate and empower individuals and their families to live healthy and drug-free lifestyles. reduce symptoms or needs and build resilience. 

Goal 2: Develop and maintain a continuum of care that is efficient, effective, and accessible to individuals needing substance use disorder treatment and enhance quality of life.

Goal 3: Provide treatment to individuals that supports their recovery, health, well-being and achieve and maintain a meaningful and sustained recovery.

Goal 4: Provide treatment that meets individuals’ strengths, needs, abilities and preferences.

Make A Referral

Referrals can be made from individuals directly or from outside community partners. We also receive referrals from Department of Social Services, group homes, foster care, Welfare to Work, parents, and schools. With our TOADS program the majority of referrals come from Drug Court.

For more information contact Mandi Reed LMFT, Program Director at 559-341-2394 or